@extends('layouts.app', ['title' => __('Embedded SignUp Whatsapp Setup')]) @section('content')

💬 {{__('Embedded SignUp Whatsapp Setup')}}

{{ __('Step 1: Create developer account and a new Facebook app') }}
First, set up the Webhooks product for your app:

1. Load your app in the App Dashboard and add the Webhooks product if you have not already added it.

2. Click the Webhooks product in the menu on the left.

3. Select WhatsApp Business Account from the drop-down menu and then click Subscribe to this object.

4. Add your Webhooks callback URL and verification token, verify, and save your changes.

{{ (__('Callback URL'))}}
{{ rtrim(config('app.url'),'/')}}/webhook/wpbox/receive/{{$token}}

{{ (__('Verify token'))}}

5. {{ __('Click on Webhook fields -> Manage and select the Messages') }} ​
